
We teach people how to understand the sources of bodily distress and the triggers for symptoms such as fatigue and unexplained pain. These include environmental pressures, adverse life changes, and the unresolved emotions related to these difficulties.

Our core insight is that non-specific illnesses result from a breakdown in communication between bodymind and the thinking mind, resulting in a misunderstanding of the symptoms of bodily distress, which are in fact warning signals. When this occurs the individual fails to address the external challenges that have created distress. As Bodymind notices this, it creates further ‘alarm signals’ in order to call for change. Reverse Therapy focuses on understanding and working with the ‘message of the symptoms’ and identifying the changes required.

John has written about these interactions in his books on Reverse Therapy and shows how the build-up of bodily distress leads to increased signals from the Limbic system in the brain, leading to overwork of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis (the HPA axis), to overload of the Adrenal glands and alterations in the muscles, gut, circulation, immune system, sleep cycle and elsewhere. All of which are associated with Bodily Distress Syndrome.

From the very first session in Reverse Therapy we teach our clients to: 

  • Understand the reasons for symptom appearances

  • Raise awareness for situations which trigger distress

  • Learn how to 'read' Bodymind

  • Resolve the breakdown between Bodymind and the Critical Mind

  • Use mindfulness to stay in present moment awareness

  • Stay out of negative critical mind states

  • Develop emotional intelligence

  • Be more active and assertive

  • Balance personal needs with those of others

  • Restore the life-work balance

Each client is provided with tapes which aid them in understanding Bodymind, how to use Reverse Therapy and how to develop Mindfulness.

To read client stories about their experiences in Reverse Therapy click here.

Note: It is advisable to first secure a medical opinion for any condition for which you are considering Reverse Therapy.