Dr John Eaton

John Eaton has been a working therapist since 1990. Since 1996 he has been steadily developing the ideas, techniques, principles and methods that, collectively, he named Reverse Therapy in 2002.

He has brought together a unique blend of insights drawn from neurological science, symptom-focused therapy, emotional intelligence and mindfulness approaches that form a powerful application to many different types of symptomatic states, including chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.

John graduated with a doctorate from Lancaster University Department of Psychology in 1998. Since 1990 he has delivered over 22,000 therapy hours to clients. He practices in Kintbury (Berkshire) and in Basingstoke. You can also book appointments with him on Zoom.

In 2021 his bestselling book - 'Reverse Therapy: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Related Disorders' was republished in a second edition. He has also published numerous other books and articles on psychotherapycoachingemotional intelligence and health.